playlist extrablau 21.05.2007/2000-2100cet/radio blau, leipzig

1. von südenfed- the rhinohead- tromatic reflexxions - domino
2. turbonegro- do you dig destruction- ep- scandinavian leather
3. the broken beats- copy- in the ruin for the perfect- buback

4. battles- bad trails- mirrored- warp
(05.06. LIVE >> Conne Island, Leipzig >> siehe auch: Bleep-Hop:)
5. stateless- radiokiller- s/t- !k7
6. tied&tickled trio- chlebnikov- aelita- morr

7. dragons - failure- ep- ohm
8. lament- abc- breathe- dunefish (local hero:)
9. +/- - steal the blueprints- lets build a fire- bb island
(Di. 22.05. LIVE > UT Connewitz/Schubladenkonsortium)
10. boy omega- the isle- the grey rainbow- riptide
(do. 24.05. >> naTo, Leipzig)
11. maria taylor- irish goodbye- lynn teeter flower- saddle greek
(do. 24.05. >> naTo, Leipzig)

12. cdatakill- you are mine (mad ep remix) -bleeding hearts- ad noiseam
(do, 24.05. global noise movement >> moritzbastei, Leipzig)
13. trolle siebenhaar- sweet dogs- promo- island
14. Die Goldenen Zitronen- Mein Girl ist höchstgradig kriminell- fuck you- vielklang (klassiker)


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