playlist extrablau 18.06.07/2000-2100cet/radio blau, leipzig

1. 1990s-you made me like it - cookies- rough trade
2. stereo total- Ich Bin Der Stricherjunge- Paris-Berlin - disko b
3. junior senior- can i get get get- promo- crunchy frog
4. interpol- the heinrich maneuer- promo- emi

5. sternbuschweg- das höchste der gefühle- the singles club 003- firestation
6. zwanie jonson- g.m. june- .. its zwanie time- hoobert/buback
7. modest mouse - missed the boat- single- epic
8. thomas belhom- aircraft- cheval oblique- apparent extend (19.06. LIVE > Moritzbastei, Leipzig)

9. finn.- electrify- expose yourself to lower education- sunday service
10. people press play- these days- s/t- morr
11. Die Zimmermänner- - Letzter Tango in Bad Ems- Fortpflanzungssupermarkt- ZickZack
12. digitalism- Digitalism In Cairo- idealism- kitsune
13. 65daysOfStatic- The Distant & Mechanised Glow Of Eastern European Dance Parties- The Destruction Of Small Ideas- Mono
14. Sonic Youth- The Empty Page- Murray Street- Geffen (27.06. Berlin, Columbiahalle > performing DAYDREAM NATION)
